Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Here you go David.

This post is dedicated to David who thinks my blog is stupid and useless.
Apparently I'm sounding too much like the typical blogger who has no life and blogs her feelings.
I will tell what happened to me today as bluntly as possible:
I went to American Heritage.
I went to my dorm, ate breakfast, then did homework.
I went to Physical Science.
I sat in the Clyde Engineering Building and listened to David insult me.
I went to my Physical Science Lab.
I went to my dorm.
I went to dinner.
I had my dorm cleaning check.
I hung out with Kim, Misha, and Annie.
I hope now you are satisfied with my mundane blog post David.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Are you guys having a party?

This week has been very fun.
I have way too much money on my dining card, so Megan P. and I decided to go to the vending machines late one night and ended up getting ripped off several times by the drink machine.
The next day we decided to go to the creamery to buy groceries that we don't need. I bought two packs of expensive tuna, a half gallon of milk, a four-pack of yogurt, applesauce, soup, and a lifetime supply of gum. The total: $15. I have never before been frustrated with having to spend money as fast as I can. Maybe I'll just buy multiple loaves of bread and feed the ducks at the pond by Rape Hill. Some guy asked Megan and I if we were planning a party. Obviously. Those tuna sandwiches will be excellent with the applesauce. I don't think he understood my sarcastic response.
Last night was also very entertaining. After a fantastically fun ward prayer, I went with some friends to the Tanner Building and stole some candy from a conference room on the fourth floor. Rebellious I know. Then we rode in the elevator and knelt in prayer in a half circle. Although no one came upon us like we had hoped, it was very funny and we will try again in the near future. We also spied on a girl playing the piano and recording hymns. We plan to replace the emergency evacuation sled used for the stairs with an old fashioned metal sled.
I'm hoping the rest of the year will be this entertaining.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Last minute concerts are the best

Last night I attended the Vampire Weekend with Beach House and Dum Dum Girls concert in the Venue.
It's was absolutely fantastic.
Vampire Weekend live sounds exactly like their recorded songs so it made the concert even better!
They won't be coming back for a while so I'm glad I went when I did!
Somebody handed the lead singer a pass along card with a temple on it and he laughed and said, "Oh, this is a famous temple...". It was a little awkward but very funny!
I can't wait for Matt Costa and Fun in October!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Life at the "Lord's School"

Well. I don't think I've ever hated a place more than BYU/Provo.
When I first got down here I wanted to shoot my roommate and then myself.
We had a 3'x5' Texas flag on the outside of our door. There goes my individuality.
Her crap was overflowing onto my side of the room. There goes my space. And sanity.
I started to panic but told myself that everything would work out. Little did I know I would be entering a new definition of hell.

Orientation was basically a glorified EFY. We were herded through gates into Helaman Field last Wednesday and branded with a colored and pre-numbered wristband. Then we had to split up into our "Y" groups and meet 500 other people who were just as happy as me to be there. I found myself hyperventilating and having hallucinations that I was at EFY again. I felt trapped. Just like the cows ready for slaughter from Food Inc. It had to be a nightmare, but sadly it was painful reality. I quickly evaded the situation and found myself wandering around campus asking myself why I every decided to come to BYU. I went to bed many lonely hours later.

The next day was more torturous than the last. We had to get up and go to like 20 meetings and then we would get served lunch exactly the same way as EFY: filing through a line in the Wilkinson Center to eat processed pre-packaged meals. The meetings were bad enough. The boredom was a millions times worse. There wasn't anything to do but socialize. I was constantly meeting people I would never see again and being pushed along by the Y group leaders. Feeling awkward and uncoordinated social-wise is not fun. My mom came down that night and I finally broke down. I couldn't take all the people and my horrible little dorm room anymore.

I went home on Friday and had a wonderful time with friends and family but then I went back Sunday night to prepare for the first day of school. The first thing I see when I get back is my roommate and a BOY in my room and she's acting so ridiculously flirty I want to gag, and then Mr. Touchy is rubbing her arms and adding to the vileness of the scene. I walked in. Threw my stuff on my bed. I walked out. I went into the bathroom and stood in the stall for like 15 minutes until Kim called me and told me she was back. Things like that usually only happen in movies. This is my life for Pete's sake!

Monday was pretty sad. I went to American Heritage from 9:00-9:50 am. My professor is funny, so I think that won't be a very bad class. After that I went back to my dorm, sat on my bed, and read a book for like two hours until Annie called me and we hung out. Then I got together with D.O. and he, annie, and I had lunch in the very crowded Wilkinson Center then D.O. and I headed off to Physical Science. We sat in the middle of the auditorium, but there were two empty seats on either side of us. I guess we smelled bad or something. Then we went to the library and sat there for four hours and then I headed back to my dorm.

This is where my story begins to improve.

I began to painfully chat with my roommate and we ended up having a lot more in common that I anticipated. To sum it up, we bonded. I think her buying a jar of Nutella for me was a perfect peace offering. I began to lose my fear of my dorm and life at BYU in general. Now I wake up, get ready, and am actually excited for the day. I met several boys, who asked for my number, and have been doing homework at the library (which is now my second home) and living it up at night when I can. l also discovered Skype which is very cool. It still confuses me a little, but I'm getting the hang of it.

So in the end, Provo isn't that bad. I'm getting used to it and I think I MIGHT come to like it someday. For now I'm fine, but I cannot WAIT for this weekend to hangout with my friends from the U, see my family, and go to lunch with Eden.