Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Load Down.

Yesterday I spent almost 7 glorious hours at BYU to move a bunch of crap down so I don't have to face the mobs of sniveling freshmen moving all their crap down on Wednesday.
I walked into Stover Hall in a fairly cheerful mood and was met by a stern woman who I took an immediate dislike to and ended up arguing with her for my key after she told me I couldn't have it. She told me I had to give it back to her after an hour or else I had to pay as if I were sleeping over. I agreed because the balance of power was very uneven. After an hour, I had successfully moved my crap from car to room and proceeded to escort Kim to her dance tryouts.
As we entered the dance building, I found that the only reading material available was a lone hymn book. I took this as a model for what the rest of my experience could be like at BYU and I have decided that I'm not going to fear it but....embrace it.
I then took a trip to the bookstore and entered a new dimension. Every person in that store was attached to a parent. Let's just say the situation was quite entertaining.
I then had an incredibly awkward run-in with an ex-boyfriend of one of my friends.
Then I sat around for like two hours waiting for Kim.
Then I decided to go back into Stover to see if I could get back into my room. I found that the previous witch who was working at the desk was gone and I was able to enter my room. Just as I returned the key, I almost literally ran into the woman who was at the desk earlier. I have rarely seen that much hate in another person's eyes. Apparently I didn't make a very good first impression.
And that's the end of one of the first of many days down at BYU.

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